Sonya – our amazing carer with a big heart (and Merlin!)

We are super proud of our care assistant, Sonya McCormick-Piechowiak who is using her spare time to help raise aid for refugees in Ukraine.


We are super proud of our care assistant, Sonya McCormick-Piechowiak who is using her spare time to help raise aid for refugees in Ukraine.

We are super proud of our care assistant, Sonya McCormick-Piechowiak who is currently working tirelessly to help collect aid for refugees in Ukraine.  Sonya is not only helping to collect donations but also spends her days off assisting with the sorting and loading of goods for her friend Lorraine and her husband at Bourton Vale Equine Clinic before they are dispatched to Poland.   Lorraine and her husband organise lorries to take vital goods directly to Ukrainian refugees in two towns in Poland and also to Ukrainian soldiers on the ground.  .

Sonya found Lorraine’s appeal for donations on Facebook and knew instantly that she wanted to help. 

We advertised Sonya’s request for donations to her fellow care assistants, little realising just how generous our Bluebird Care family is.  Since Sonya started collecting, every day when  she goes to work, her colleagues inundate her with donations and her car is never empty. Her home in Gloucestershire has become a hub for collections and her phone and doorbell is never silent as kind locals want to help and donate.  Sonya’s dog, Merlin has also had to get used to constant knocks on the door and his home being filled with bags as word has got around the village of Sonya’s work!

Sonya will even help transport local donations if necessary to make sure that anything that can be of use gets to the people who really need it.  

Sonya’s Bluebird Care training and work as a Care Assistant has helped enormously when it comes to sorting out medical and first aid equipment.  With her knowledge, she has been making sure that goods are sorted, labeled and packed correctly so that they arrive safely and are fit for use.

If you want to help or learn more, go to Bourton Vale Equine Clinic Facebook page where there is a list of vital goods still needed.

Well done, Sonya and well done Bourton Vale Equine Clinic for your huge humanitarian efforts.