Throughout May, Bluebird Care – Exeter & East Devon are supporting Action on Stroke Month!

Published: 17/07/2019

The month of May, along with two Bank Holidays, brings “Action on Stroke’ Month – organised by the Stroke Association.

The month of May, along with two Bank Holidays, brings “Action on Stroke’ Awareness month – organised by the Stroke Association.

The Stroke Association hopes that the Action on Stroke Month will encourage communities to come together to spread the important messages about stroke, while having some fun!! Their aim is to “Make May Purple for Stroke”

Did you know?

  • Action on Stroke Month is in its fourth year
  • In 2014, 40,000 mini-stroke booklets where handed out
  • The Stroke Helpline received 1,800 enquiries during May 2014 alone! 

Bluebird Care in Exeter and East Devon will be championing Action on Stroke Month in various ways; from supporting one of our stroke survivor customers as he gives a presentation in Exeter on his experience of what it’s like to have a stroke to a mini Purple Bake Sale in the office!

We’ll also be posting regularly with key information on stroke and providing useful links for further reading and research.

For more information on Action on Stroke Month please visit: