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1.3 million older people spend two months a year alone

Today Bluebird Care is launching Every Visit Counts, a campaign that highlights and helps to reduce loneliness in the UK. 


Carers Week 6th - 12th June 2016

Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan support Carers Week 2016 Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan is supporting Carers Week 2016, an annual campaign which takes place from 6-12 June. Carers Week is supported and sponsored by many organisations, charitable and otherwise, including Carers UK, Age UK, Independent Age, Carers Trust, Macmillan Cancer Support and Sainsbury’s. This year the focus of the campaign is to help build Carer Friendly Communities where carers will feel supported to look after their family or friends, and are recognised as individuals with needs of their own.  


Mental Health Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan are supporting Mental Health Awareness Week 2016, an annual campaign run by the Mental Health Foundation, between 16-22 May.The Mental Health Foundation is a charity which aims to improve the lives of those with mental health problems. With one in four adults and one in ten children likely to have a mental health problem in any year the work the Mental Health Foundation undertakes is vital.The Mental Health Awareness Week 2016 theme is ‘relationships’. This year the campaign is celebrating the connections, the relationships, and the people in our lives that add to our wellbeing and protect and sustain our mental health. 


Arthritis Care Week 2016 14th- 21st May

Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan is supporting the Arthritis Care Week 2016 campaign, organised by Arthritis Care, from 14 – 21 May.Arthritis Care is the UK’s largest organisation working with and for all people with arthritis. The charity supports people living with arthritis to manage their condition, as well as campaigning for better services.Arthritis is the biggest cause of pain and disability in the UK. 10 million people are living with arthritis every day, this pain is often invisible and its effects can go unnoticed. This year Arthritis Care is looking to raise awareness of what it’s like to live with arthritis, encouraging people to talk about it, what it means to them and the challenges and triumphs they have experienced. 


Dementia Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan supports Dementia Awareness Week 2016Bluebird Care Vale of Glamorgan is supporting Dementia Awareness Week 2016, an annual campaign run by the Alzheimer’s Society from 15– 21 May 2016.The Alzheimer’s Society are the UK's leading dementia support and research charity, supporting people living with any form of dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.The charity provide information and support, fund medical research, and campaign for better quality of life for people with dementia and greater general understanding of the condition.Running from 15– 21 May 2016, the aim of the campaign is to encourage people who are worried about dementia to confront their concerns by addressing dementia directly and coming to Alzheimer's Society for information and support.


Bluebird Care leading the way in South Wales with The PASSsystem

Bluebird Care Cardiff South, the Vale of Glamorgan will implement everyLIFE Technologies’ care management platform, The PASSsystem, into their offices. It will link them to their community-based supervisors and staff as well as other care stakeholders including families, social services and healthcare professionals.


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