Director is commended!

At the Bluebird Care Annual Conferences our Director, Rebecca, was highly commended for the Spirit Award.


At the Bluebird Care Annual Conferences our Director, Rebecca, was highly commended for the Spirit Award.

Director, Rebecca, was delighted when she was commended for the Spirit Award during the Bluebird Care Awards evening.  The Spirit Award celebrates all those within the Bluebird Care network who are passionate about their role and making a diffeerence in social care.


Rebecca loves nothing more than imparting her knowledge of the Social Care sector to those who have a limited understanding. She commented:

Most people contact us when they are at crisis point, needing care immediately for themselves or a loved one. Quite often they do not know where to start.

When Rebecca is out in the community, networking and presenting to different audeiencess, it is clear to see and hear her passion within the sector.  Being part of the largest private homecare providers nationally, she is able to speak with confidence and professionalism.  Rebecca said:

Being part of the largest private homecare provider means I can share the Bluebird Care brand with confidence. We are a premier service, one that I am so proud to be a part of.

During the awards evening Rebecca congratulated other winners as she is so proud to be part of Bluebird Care.  When her name was announced she was a completely surprised!  She had been nominated by some of the National Support Team for all her efforts in raising brand awareness, supporting other colleagues and being an Outstanding provider.  Her regional quality manager, Kerry McGinn said:

The award is well deserved! You are certainly held in high regard, attending and supporting all the meetings and you speak so passionately about the difference you and your team make to the people you support.

Rebecca was delighted to be commended and has displayed her certificate in the office for all to see.  Well done!