PPE Equipment in Care

Published: 08/07/2020

In recent national news, it has come to attention that face masks within certain care homes across the UK have had to be recalled due to faults.

Caring for our customers at Bluebird Care (Thurrock) is always a top priority, ensuring safety, comfort and happiness. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we have been ensuring we are going over and above for our customers. 

In recent national news, it has come to attention that face masks within certain care homes across the UK have had to be recalled due to faults. As a leading healthcare provider, an immediate priority to assure our customers that we are staying safe and as a result, keeping them safe whilst our Care Assistants have been visiting their homes, providing the vital care they depend on. 

At Bluebird Care (Thurrock), as it is now a huge part of delivering our services safely, we always make sure that we have at least a three month supply of PPE in stock. This is rigorously quality checked to ensure the safety of our customers and staff alike. We are currently purchasing over 10,000 pairs of gloves, 500 bottles of hand sanitiser and 1,000 facemasks monthly.

We have been overwhelmed by local support, as we have kindly received 40 face shields which have been donated from The Indee Rose Trust. We would like to personally take this opportunity to thank all of your extremely generous donations, during these difficult times. 

When Should I Wear a Face Mask?

From the 15th June, 2020, the Government made it compulsory for any person going on public transport, or to visit a hospital to wear a face mask. 

We have been ensuring that our Care Assistants have been following strict guidelines and safety measures from the beginning of this pandemic to date. Providing the best care to our customers.

Wearing Your PPE 

There have been a number of helpful resources available, not only from Government archives and reports, but also from businesses around the world, ensuring that people are following the correct procedures and guidelines. 

If you are heading back to work within these next few days or weeks, please make sure that you are well aware of how to wear protective equipment. 

See the video from Public Health England below on how to apply and remove protective equipment:











As a country, we have been following protective measures since the beginning of lockdown, by being educated and following guidelines. However, it is still important to continue learning, educating yourself and others, to protect yourself and the people around you.

It will also be even more vital within the upcoming weeks, as from the 4th of July, more businesses around the United Kingdom will be opening and we will start to have access to more facilities than we have over these recent months during lockdown.

The easing of some restrictions may lead to increased exposure and risk for our customers and staff, so staying aware of how and when to wear PPE equipment is important now than ever. We are forever remaining positive in these difficult times, and doing what we can to ensure full safety. By not only educating ourselves, but also our customers.

Face Masks: How to Check If They Are Faulty

Due to recent news reports, it has come to our attention that face masks which have been sent to a number of care homes, have now been recalled due to a number of faults. This therefore, makes it even more of a responsibility and duty for us at Bluebird Care (Thurrock), to inform others of how to check whether or not you have a faulty face mask. 

The Department of Health and Social Care warned, "There is a risk to staff wearing the mask if the foam strip on the mask flakes and enters their airway or mouth. There have also been complaints of the ties and/or stitching coming away from the mask."

As this is a topic of high relevancy during these times, we have created a ‘How To Guide’ for checking whether your face mask may be faulty. Not only in care homes, but in general. Fortunately, face masks have become more available to more businesses and people over recent weeks, however, they still may have faults and cause more danger.

Stay Safe

Even though face masks can be vital when going out and visiting public places, they can still be a false sense of security. Hence why, checking for faults in your protective equipment, is even more vital. Wash your hands frequently, and keep a 2m distance when you can do so. As our workers are still along the frontlines of this pandemic, ensuring that our customers feel safe and happy, we will continue to follow important and relevant Government backed measures. 

If you or a member of your family is one of Bluebird Care customers, either in Thurrock & Castle Point or in our other franchises, and you are concerned for your/their safety, please get in touch;

Telephone: 01375 800 111 

Email: thurrockandcastlepoint@bluebirdcare.co.uk


For the most up-to-date information you can visit The Department of Health and Social Care or see the below links for various official sources.