Bluebird Care asked us and the other franchises to get involved in the Great Bluebird Care Bake Off!


Bluebird Care asked us and the other franchises to get involved in the Great Bluebird Care Bake Off!


Introducing...the Great Bluebird Care Bake Off! 

In September we were asked to take part in the Great Bluebird Care Bake Off.

Baking is a fantastic way to connect with people – whether it’s having a tea break in the office or taking our customers out for a treat, cake brings everybody together.

Do we really need an excuse to celebrate cakes?

Look at the amazing cakes some of our staff created...

This is Angela, one of our Care Mentors with her beautiful Victoria Sponge. It was yummy!

Here is Bev, one of our Carers who made a fab chocolate cake topped with mint Aero balls. It tasted great! 

I'm sure you'll agree how amazing these cakes look and I can tell you they tasted just as amazing! 

Thanks to all the staff who got involved in The Great Bluebird Care Bake Off, it was such good fun!