Bluebird Care Sevenoaks featured on BBC News

Published: 23/09/2015

We are very proud that Bluebird Care Sevenoaks featured on BBC News on September 23rd, 2015 re: the new NICE guidelines... 

We are very proud that Bluebird Care Sevenoaks again featured on BBC News, this time on September 23rd, 2015 re: the new NICE guidelines. 
The news piece featured a person who had got inadequate care from his local council. The piece then used Bluebird Care as an example of a home care provider providing care in the right way.
Debbie Moulton, registered manager of Bluebird Care Sevenoaks, featured in the piece looking after a 100-year-old customer. The BBC reporter pointed out that she was an ‘experienced care worker’ who goes to customers’ homes to assess their needs. The BBC also commented that: “While some home care firms will agree to 15 minute visits do deal with such things as eating and dressing [Bluebird Care] won’t.”

​Though we do offer 15mins visits, these are merely for our customers’ convenience where a 30min call is more than is required – for instance antibiotics which must be administered at particular times of day, or perhaps quick well-being check, for family’s piece of mind, involving little more than putting the kettle on.
We would never agree to undertake any substantial personal care tasks in a 15min visit, as is the approach alleged in the news piece.