National recognition for Bluebird Care Richmond & Twickenham

Our local Bluebirds win on a national stage at the Home Care Award Winners!


Our local Bluebirds win on a national stage at the Home Care Award Winners!

Five Bluebirds made the journey from the leafy Twickenham to Birmingham's NCC to accept a major national award, placing the service among the finest in the UK.

The service was judged by a host of prominent industry figureheads to be the best provider of respite care, incorporating hospital discharge, emergency support care, ad hoc care and temporary care.

ITV’s Sameena Ali-Khan announced the category saying:

“Providing accessible respite care aligns with their core values and provides a critical service to local residents. The Bluebird team has developed a process to allow seamless, stress-free access to person-centred respite care. Robust, safe, fully compliant, customer-focused care plans can be created at short notice – sometimes overnight – and this in turn provides an unforgettable, life-changing service.”

Registered Manager Jacqui McPherson notes:

“We operate a fully inclusive respite service, meaning no enquiry is deemed ‘too small’ or ‘too inconsequential’. From a daily one-hour visit across a week to a few days of live-in care, our mission is to support every Richmond borough resident who needs care. This can look like support with hospital discharge and reablement, a few weeks of care after an illness, holiday cover for family members who are primary carers for their relatives, and much more.”

Managing Directors Tim Rowland Jones and Peter Slough champion the Richmond & Twickenham team’s respite service with Slough commenting:

“Respite care holds a special place in our hearts. We have parents who have received respite care and it is a life-changing, and sometimes a life-saving, service. When you are told ‘No’ by company after company, to find a service that starts with ‘Yes’ and then delivers above and beyond expectation stays with you forever.”

Mrs M, a Twickenham-based customer, said of her recent hospital discharge and reablement support from Bluebird Care Richmond & Twickenham:

“I had brilliant care. I’m convinced I wouldn’t be alive without it.”