Stroke: Act FAST

Recognising the signs of stroke can save lives and here are our top tips.


Recognising the signs of stroke can save lives and here are our top tips.

A stroke can happen suddenly and without warning, making it crucial to recognise the signs and act swiftly. By learning how to spot the symptoms of a stroke and taking immediate action, you could save a life. That's why we're sharing the "FAST" acronym—a simple yet effective way to identify a stroke and get help fast.

F: Face Drooping One of the most common signs of a stroke is facial drooping. If one side of the person's face droops or feels numb when they smile, it could indicate a stroke.

A: Arm Weakness Another telltale sign of a stroke is arm weakness. Ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm drifts downward or feels weak, it could be a sign of a stroke.

S: Speech Difficulty Difficulty speaking or understanding speech is a classic symptom of a stroke. If the person's speech is slurred or they have trouble repeating a simple sentence, it's time to act.

T: Time to Call Emergency Services Time is of the essence when it comes to strokes. If you notice any of these symptoms, don't delay—call emergency services immediately. Every minute counts and getting prompt medical attention can make all the difference in the person's recovery.

Remember, not all strokes present with the same symptoms, and some people may experience additional signs like sudden severe headaches, dizziness, or trouble walking. However, the FAST acronym provides a simple and effective way to identify the most common signs of a stroke and act quickly.

At Bluebird Care Hounslow, we're committed to raising awareness about stroke prevention and providing compassionate care to those affected by strokes. By knowing how to spot a stroke and acting fast, we can help save lives and improve outcomes for stroke survivors in our community. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and remember to always act FAST in the face of a stroke emergency.