Life-changing Care

Jill, tells us of how suddenly the need for a homecare service became paramount to her health and wellbeing. Her story highlights how receiving the right care can improve your quality of life.


Jill, tells us of how suddenly the need for a homecare service became paramount to her health and wellbeing. Her story highlights how receiving the right care can improve your quality of life.

Jill was always very independent and used to having her three children all living away, with one in London, one in Canada and one in France. After an unexpected fall which caused injury, Jill was suddenly confined to her home. Jill’s children were clearly concerned over their mother’s health and investigated all the care options available to their mother. Eventually the family decided that in-house care would be the best solution, allowing their mother to remain in the comfort of her own home whilst receiving the hands-on care and support that she needed.

Upon contacting the Bluebird Care Fareham team, a friendly home visit follwed and a personalised home care-plan was swiftly put into place. This gave the family the confidence they needed in knowing that their mother would be looked after just the way that they wanted.

From initially requiring help with household tasks, it was evident that Jill also needed companionship to improve her overall well-being. Within months, Jill was back on her feet, feeling fully mobile and independent, and the regular visits and chats from the carers gave Jill the companionship she so craved.

“This has been a tremendous, life-enhancing experience for me; to have companionship and regular contact with wonderful carers, in an otherwise isolated situation.” explained Jill. “With the children being away, they don’t have to worry about me so much.”

“My family have seen a huge improvement in my mobility and the regular interaction and conversations I have with the carers have made a huge difference on my well-being. I couldn’t have asked for more from the Bluebird Care Fareham team.”