Who is Mr. G?

Find more about the incredible man who walked up the north face of Snowdon at 76 years old.


Find more about the incredible man who walked up the north face of Snowdon at 76 years old.

If you have found your way here, you must want to learn more about this amazing gentleman!

Mr. G spent his whole life farming and continued to farm until he was 72. He would also spend his days gardening, as he loved plants! He would even use his skills to make beautiful creations for his garden, proving that he is a man of many talents.Hearing the Snowdon story completely blew my mind, as it is a huge victory in itself to walk up the north face of Snowdon. However, to do this all in one single day at the age of 76 is something that many couldn't even dream of doing. 

Mr. G is now 102 years old. He explains how he finds the care assistants at Bluebird are kind and friendly. He loves getting a helping hand with his crosswords!

Mr. G, you are amazing!