
Showing results 1 - 9 (of 127)


Dementia affects memory, thinking, and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. It’s not a single disease but a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions


End of Life Care

At Bluebird Care, we understand that the end of life is a challenging time. That's why we offer end-of-life care services designed to support our customers in the comfort of their own homes.


Stress- Free Guide Part 2

Stress is your body's response to any demand or challenge. Recognising the signs of stress is the first step in managing it.


Reputation 800 Award

We are thrilled to announce that we are one of the 101 Bluebird Care locations that have been awarded the 800 Award by our Marketing platform, Reputation.


Stress- Free Guide- Part 1

Stress is something that affects us all at some point in our lives. Whether it's coping with financial, work-related, or relationship issues, stress can be a natural response to life's ups and downs.


Why you should choose Bluebird Care

At Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford & Wapping, we stand out as more than just a care agency; we are a beacon of commitment in enhancing the quality of life for our customers in their own homes.


How to Keep Warm this Winter

As winter sets in and living costs rise, finding cheaper ways to stay warm becomes vital. We're here to offer practical suggestions for a cosy winter during a cost of living crisis


Awards- 2018, 2019 & 2022

Bluebird Care Docklands, Stratford & Wapping was shortlisted, highly commended, and won several awards across the years 2018, 2019, and 2022.


Managing Mental Health as a Domiciliary Care Assistant

As a Domiciliary Care Assistant, you provide essential support to individuals in their homes, but it's crucial to remember that your own mental health matters too.


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