Shortlisted for Prestigious Home Care Award

The prestigious Home Care Awards are the benchmark for business and service excellence in the UK home care sector.


The prestigious Home Care Awards are the benchmark for business and service excellence in the UK home care sector.

Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North has been shortlisted for the ‘Day Care Expertise’ category at the Home Care Awards. 


The prestigious Home Care Awards are the benchmark for business and service excellence in the UK home care sector. This year, the awards ceremony will take place on Friday 19th March, subject to Covid-19 restrictions.


Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North was shortlisted in the Day Care Expertise category for their provision of excellent quality home care. All their staff are fully trained to provide a safe, efficient, and friendly service.


Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North’s care service normally involves one or more visits a day for relatively short periods, possibly up to an hour, to help with the everyday tasks of life. However, longer duration visits are available as well, including overnight help or even live-in care.


This shortlisting follows Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North’s roll out of a new ‘safety kit’, designed to maximise protection and minimise risk of infection for both the team and their customers during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Additionally, Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North’s Health and Wellbeing Checks Service has provided customers and their families with day-to-day reassurance. The service involves a 30-minute visit from Bluebird Care Birmingham East and North’s ‘Care Champions’, who carry out checks on each customer’s blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation, pulse, alertness and general wellbeing.


Suresh Dakshinamurthy, Director of Bluebird Care Birmingham East & North, said:


“We are so proud that Bluebird Care Birmingham East & North has been selected as a finalist in the category Day Care Expertise for the second year running. We have consistently gone above and beyond throughout the last year to ensure we are providing the highest standard of day care, whilst keeping our customers safe and happy at home.


“We are committed to being the absolute best in what we do and I want to thank all the team for all their incredible hard work.”