Emley Christmas Bake Sale Fundraiser

On Saturday 20th November, we held a Kirkwood Hospice fundraising event at St. Michael the Archangel church in Emley,


On Saturday 20th November, we held a Kirkwood Hospice fundraising event at St. Michael the Archangel church in Emley,

Bluebird Care Wakefield & Kirklees decided to get into the Christmas spirit early this year. We held a bake sale event at St. Micheal the Archangel church in Emley on Saturday 20th November in aid of The Kirkwood Hospice. Our Employee Engagement Officer Charlene and our Social Media Support Abbi put together a casual and entertaining afternoon that consisted of hot drinks, homemade cakes and buns, Christmas bingo, and a raffle. They enjoyed giving people a place to wind down and have a little bit of Christmas fun.

Our goal was to provide an entertaining afternoon for the people of Emley while raising money for a good cause. In total, we raised £88 for Kirkwood Hospice. Our treats went down very nicely, as did our raffle and bingo prizes.

If you think this sounds like something you would have liked to have been involved in, don’t worry! We’ll be holding a similar event very soon – keep an eye out for the announcement on our social media pages including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

prize winners - home care in Wakefield & Kirklees