Memory Walk

We are doing to Memory Walk to raise vital funds for the Alzheimers Society


We are doing to Memory Walk to raise vital funds for the Alzheimers Society

Every step we take will help Alzheimer’s Society provide a lifeline through phone and online support for people affected by dementia who need vital support help as a result of ongoing challenges linked to the pandemic. Many need help for the first time and others need it more than ever.

Our whole team, each day, visit customers who have some form of dementia and it's on the rise. We would like to be part of the bigger picture and ask why this is happening. Younger people are also suffering this terrible disease. Our office team have committed to doing  an 8 mile walk to raise vital funds for this growing disease.

With local restrictions in place and groups unable to meet we are doing this walk at our own pace. Each person will do their own walk, hit the 8 mile target and chose where they walk too and from, complying with COVID restrictions.

We have allocated Sunday 21st March 2021 as the day to do our walks. Some will be taking their children too.

So help us raise funds by following the link below.

Will you help us raise funds to fight this terrible disease?