Live-in Care
Case Study 3
Live-in care is a popular alternative to residential care where a care assistant stays with a customer in their own home. We truly believe that our job is to support the families and friends of our customers who cannot always be there for their loved ones, and we can do this through our live-in care service.
Below is a case study of one of our live-in care customers that discusses why they chose Bluebird Care, and what kind of care they receive.
The Customer – Rowena
Before receiving Live-In care, Rowena was already a current customer and had chosen Bluebird Care to be her care provider as she had heard about our great reputation.
Rowena chose Live-In care for herself as it allowed her to carry on living in her own home.
Live-In care allowed Rowena to continue spending time in the garden, go out on shopping trips and attend her appointments.
Rowena enjoys the Live-In care service as she is happiest when she is in her own surroundings.
The Family Member – Ruby (Rowena's Daughter)
Ruby discovered that Live-In care was a great option for her mother after discussing different care options with Rowena's social worker.
Ruby is happy with the Live-In care service, and she is happy that her mother is safe and being cared for in her own home.
She is happy that her mother’s personal care and appointments are being taken care of when she is unavailable, and she feels relief knowing her mother has companionship and that she is safe.
The care expert – Megan
Megan is Rowena's Live-In care expert and was interested in taking on a Live-In care role as she has always liked caring for others. She chose to work for Bluebird Care and become a Live-In carer after talking with other carers who worked for Bluebird Care.
Megan enjoys being a Live-In care expert as she enjoys the opportunity to be a service to lovely customers.
As part of her Live-In care role, she takes Rowena on short walks, takes her shopping, plays games and watches TV with her. They enjoy spending time together and they have many great memories together, including a trip to Ogmore Beach.
Megan thinks Live-In care is a good option for many customers as it allows them to stay where they are familiar with their surroundings. It allows them to stay within their local community.
If you would like to find out more about our Live-In Care and how it could benefit you or a family member, get in touch today.