Enhanced Training for Care Workers
Published: 31/10/2013
At Bluebird Care (Hillingdon) our staff is at the heart of what we do; they are compassionate and caring.
Every day they go above and beyond the call of duty to all the people we care for.
As part of our value commitment to our care workers, we have introduced advanced and extensive E-Learning training to ensure our team of professionals are well rounded and more knowledgeable in specialised areas of care.
Our Enhanced Training Program includes:
- Equality & Diversity
- Safeguarding
- Health and Safety (refresher)
- First Aid
- Mental Capacity Act
- Deprivation of Liberty
- Common Induction standards (refresher)
- Infection control
- Customer Care
- Fire Safety
- Food Safety
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Medication (refresher)
- Dementia
- End of Life
Spearheading the enhanced training, Care Manager, Marcia Leacock-Garnes said,
We are pleased to report that all our care workers have demonstrated great enthusiasm to advance their skill and training as health care professionals.
If you or someone you know may be interested in becoming a care worker, please give us a call at 01895 231211