Elf Day in support of Alzheimer's Society

We held our Elf Day to raise money for Alzheimer's Society. Read on and see how our customers and team got involved to raise money too!


We held our Elf Day to raise money for Alzheimer's Society. Read on and see how our customers and team got involved to raise money too!

No 'elf' warning needed here!

held their Elf Day to raise money for Alzheimer's Society. And what a fun day we had but we didn't just stop at the office team...oh no!!

Our amazing Care Team and our Customers got involved too, we pledged that for every 'elfie' we received, Bluebird Care would donate a further £1.00 for the 'elfie'! and MATCH the total raised!

We raised an amazing £121 in total!  Here’s just some of the AMAZING moments capture in our video below!


Thank you to all those who took part and supported this good cause.