Counting our Covid Blessings in our Latest Newsletter

In this edition of our newsletter, we've looked back  and counted our Covid blessings with amazing stories, actions and support that was so evident within our Bluebird Care Community and beyond!


In this edition of our newsletter, we've looked back  and counted our Covid blessings with amazing stories, actions and support that was so evident within our Bluebird Care Community and beyond!

It may be ‘long time no newsletter’ but it certainly hasn’t been ‘long time no hear’.  Apologies and thank you to all of you who have asked about the next edition of our newsletter. 

The entry of Coronavirus into the world didn’t stop us from helping to support you all with care (it would take a lot more before we would give up that easily! J ) but it did bring to a halt, any ability to publish. We have endeavoured to keep in contact with you all with regular letters alongside your weekly schedules with updates on Covid-19, community news etc.

Here at Bluebird Care we focus on looking after our customers and our teams, whatever the situation, and more so during these unprecedented times.

It has been inspiring to see so many examples of warmth, love and care amongst our communities across the UK, from our businesses to their customers and teams, between our care assistants and those they care for and most importantly from the public towards our fantastic teams of care assistants.

Our objective throughout Covid-19 lockdown was to ‘Make Smiles Happen’!  We set the objective to ensure that EVERY customer was ‘touched’ in an effort to make a smile happen despite darker or tougher days.  Through working with teams in our community such as Morrisons, Waitrose, Stamford Foodbank,  Helping With Headbands and more, we think and hope we have achieved it!

We wanted to share some of the inspirational stories from around our businesses. Some of these wonderful stories are reaching the news and we are pleased to be able to share them and spread some positive vibes.

Covid-19 has brought with it, many challenges.  From lockdown, shielding, missing of our friends and families as we try to stay safe, to the changes that are now in our everyday lives, I still like to acknowledge and count our ‘Covid Blessings’ – the positive events, new people, activities and changes that may not have presented themselves otherwise into our lives and days if this hadn’t occurred.  Because every cloud has to have a silver lining, right?

So in this edition of our newsletter, I’ve looked back  to look back and counted those blessings with amazing stories, actions and support that was so evident within our Bluebird Care Community and beyond, recognised the work, comradery and mutual support that we all gave each other to enable us all to keep moving forward to and to get to where we are today.

Coronavirus has changed our world as we know it for now, but I am comforted that it is and continues to have the potential to make a better world.  And so, we walk, masked, tall and with open hearts to keep each other safe, keep our customers safe and ensure that we take the opportunity

Take this issue to recount some ‘Covid blessings’, share our good news stories and to look forward at the way ahead for…

Keep safe, stay safe, and keep counting those blessings!

Read our quarterly newsletter here.