Life In The Office - Fish and chip launch for Betty
Published: 21/03/2018
As a premium provider of care at home, we regularly arrange outings that are at no cost to our customers and Care Assistant Fainess recently visited Betty with some fish and chips for lunch.
As a premium provider of care at home, we regularly arrange outings that are at no cost to our customers and Care Assistant Fainess recently visited Betty with some rather delightful fish and chips for lunch.
Betty is unable to get out of the house and used to enjoy a regular fish and chip meal, so we thought we would arrange for Fainess to visit and bring some with her.
Betty lives in East Malling and is 92. We have supported her for just over a year and are proud to help her remain at home for longer.
Care Manager Mel explained:
Betty was delighted that we visited and really enjoyed her meal. In addition, Care Assistant Fainess really enjoyed the time that she spent with Betty.
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