Exeter Living Awards 2018: Finalists
Published: 11/04/2018
Bluebird Care Exeter, Exmouth & East Devon are proud finalists in the Exeter Living Awards 2018.
We are proud finalists in the Exeter Living Awards 2018.
Here are five reasons why we hope to win the Health & Wellbeing category in this year’s Exeter Living Awards:
- Our team of Devon Bluebirds. We would like to acknowledge the work our team of Devon Bluebirds do both day and night, 365 days a year, in providing quality care in people’s home across the county.
Bluebird Care Exeter, Exmouth & East Devon teams
- Our Wellbeing programme. We would like to highlight the Wellbeing work that as a team we have been pursuing, as we truly believe this not only sets us apart but is the future of social community, joined-up care. With even more community involvement and support, the initiative has the capacity to transform the lives of many elderly people living in isolation across the county.
Bluebird Care Wellbeing event and intergenerational project with Maynard Primary School.
- Our commitment to creating a local and long overdue conversation on care with our #talkcare campaign and the health and wellbeing of the older members of our communities. This award would help particularly to shine a light on these strands of our work and we hope take the conversation on care to another level.
Bluebird Care roundtable panel discussion with leading health care experts including
Age UK Exeter, Hospiscare & Devon County Council
- Our belief in the older community and our desire to shift the stereotypes of old age and help people view and behave differently when it comes to later life, ageing and care.
Bluebird Care East Devon Wellbeing event in partnership with Dance in Devon.
- Our creativity in ensuring home care is understood, used and celebrated across the regions we work in.
Bluebird Care with Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital staff during the
#talkcare conversation in our Devon communities.