Access to Covid Vaccine for Adult Carers

Published: 13/02/2021

The NHS Calderdale CCG are now pleased to be able to offer Covid vaccinations to our unpaid Adult Carers in Calderdale at the two local hospitals.

This is being offered slightly ahead of other places because the hospitals in local area have a good supply of vaccine. 

(Please note that over the next two weeks, as part of the National Booking System, you and those you care for, will also be invited for a vaccination at other sites, including a GP practice in your local area.  You could wait for that appointment if you choose to and attend with the person you care for).

The national guidelines about who can have a vaccine are being followed. You are eligible for a vaccination if you are an adult (16 years of age and over)* and the main carer(s) of a person who is;

1.    Elderly (over 65)

2.    Disabled (any age)**

3.   Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (any age)

4.   Placed on the ‘Shielding List’ held by the Local Authority because of their clinical vulnerability (any age)

*We are awaiting further clarification of the timeline for vaccinating carers who are under 16 years of age. 

**For clarity you’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.

For more information click here to download the Vaccination Information Sheet for Adult Carers.

A tailored offer for individuals with a with a more profound/ severe learning disability learning difficulty and their carers is being developed by the local NHS and Calderdale Council.  If you would prefer to wait and hear more about this offer please express your interest by contacting Calderdale Council – details below.

You can get an appointment at Calderdale Royal Hospital or Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (Acre Mill site). You MUST pre-book an appointment using the following link.  Please complete all the information on the booking form, in line with guidance set out in the attached information sheet.

If you attend without an appointment will not be able to access the vaccine service.

The booking link above  is shared with you in accordance with the principles on the information sheet attached and MUST NOT be forwarded on to anyone else. 

Please read all the attached information. Please remember to take with you;

1.   Your NHS Number

2.   Photographic ID

a.   For those people who are registered as sight impaired and do not have photo ID, they can present their registration certificate or other relevant documentation

3.   One or more of the following:

a.   A copy of any carer related benefits documentation, or

b.   Proof of benefit provided to the person being cared for (e.g. PIP, DLA, attendance allowance or employment support allowance), or

c.   A relevant carer-related document from Calderdale Council e.g. a carers assessment or a Calderdale Council support plan, or

d.   A copy of any correspondence from your GP relating to your status as a carer, or

e.   A letter or newsletter from Calderdale Carers, if you are registered with them

If you are eligible and need support to complete the online booking form, please contact Calderdale Council for support by emailing or calling 01422 392980.

You can also contact Disability Partnership Calderdale for support by emailing or calling 07716122897

The online booking system will show availability for the next three days, including the day you are booking on. 

We would ask you to book into available slots as soon as possible, and take the first available appointment.  If no suitable appointments are showing as available we would ask that you revisit the booking site at a later time as additional dates are released onto the system as vaccine supply is confirmed.