What are the benefits of Gardening?

Take a read to find out about the many benefits of gardening...


Take a read to find out about the many benefits of gardening...

Monday 26th marks the beginning of National Gardening Week! This week was created back in 2012 by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) to encourage people to spend more time outside, this could be anything from tending your garden to spending time your local parks.

So here at Bluebird Care Bristol, Bath & NE Somerset we thought it would be worth sharing the benefits of gardening and spending time outside in greenspaces, as it can benefit anyone.


What are the benefits of gardening?

  • Using the tools and skills required gardening can strengthen the muscles, joints, and bones.
  • Harvesting fruits, veg or flowers has a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing, as well as providing a sense of pride and satisfaction.
  • Can help keep blood pressure steady, which in turn can reduce the risk of strokes and heart disease.
  • Provides responsibility. Nurturing plants to full bloom and as you are able to visibly see their progress.
  • Stimulates memory and improves cognitive function.
  • Encourages socialisation. Some gardeners like to join local clubs, while others enjoy being able to get their friends and family involved.

As with any activity, it is always important to stay safe, and there are a range of ways you can do this.



Staying safe while gardening

  • Pick your gardening options based on what you can do. If you are sat in a wheelchair, have reduced mobility in your legs, or even balance issues – make sure you are gardening at a table so you can remain seated.
  • Wear gardening gloves to prevent damage to skin.
  • Some tools are exceptionally sharp. If you must use them, make sure you have someone around to assist you.
  • Be mindful of the weather. Gardening is best when the weather is dry, but this usually comes with some sunshine, so ensure you are protecting your skin with sun cream and wearing a hat. If there is a chill in the air it is recommended to wrap up and not let yourself get too cold.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and take some time out.

Do not be afraid to ask your Bluebird carer to assist you if you want to get involved in gardening, whether it is an ongoing hobby or something new, we are here to help. If you want to show off your garden, you can send an email to bath@bluebirdcare.co.uk so we can share them across our social media platforms!

If you want to know more about National Gardening Week, you can visit the RHS website here