Directors Statement Regarding COVID-19
Published: 13/03/2020
Please see below Statement from Director Kevin McCormack regarding Bluebird Care's approach to the COVID-19 outbreak.
As you will be aware from national news the number of cases of corona virus in the UK is growing.
Reassuringly there are currently few cases circulating in the Essex area (and currently all cases have originated from abroad), however public health England predict within the next 2 weeks this will change and we will have a significantly higher number of cases in the UK.
At Bluebird Care we are taking the potential impacts of corona virus very seriously, and as an organisation we are taking the necessary precautions to protect both our customers and our workforce.
As well as maintaining our strict policy guidelines on hygiene and infection control, we are also putting contingencies in place in the case that COVID-19 does lead to staff shortages. If staff shortages result we will be operating a stream lined service. Upon implementing this you will receive further communication on how this could affect you from your local branch manager or supervisor.
Further, if any of our customers show symptoms of Corona, or if they have been in physical contact with someone whom has been has been diagnosed with the virus – we will follow guidance from the NHS and public health England.