Our new location is strategically placed between the two areas of Birmingham East and Birmingham North.


Our new location is strategically placed between the two areas of Birmingham East and Birmingham North.


It is with great anticipation and pleasure that we can let you know that we have relocated to a more comfortable and spacious office location.


Our new location is Unit E8; Castle Vale Enterprise Park, Park Lane, Castle Vale, B35 6LJ.


However, our phone number remains the same at 0121 389 3500.


Our primary email address is also still the same, being birminghameast@bluebirdcare.co.uk or birminghamnorth@bluebirdcare.co.uk and all individual emails of team members will remain unchanged.


Our new location is strategically placed between the two areas of Birmingham East and Birmingham North. This is so that the staffs and care assistants do not have to travel long to reach the office. The new office is near to Water Orton rail station. The location is easily accessible by car and train. The location also has a lot of parking, it is always empty for all the visiting staffs and visitors.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning the new location or our services.


#OfficeMove #Birmingham #NewLocation #Bluebirdcareuk #Bluebirdcare #SuttonColdfield