Health Plus Care 2016: Bluebird Care contribute to key challenges facing the homecare sector

Published: 28/06/2016

With over 9,000 senior health care professionals expected to descend upon ExCel London for the two day conference, Health Plus Care 2016 promises to cover the most important topics facing the health and social care sector. Bluebird Care’s director of operations, Fiona Williams, has been invited to form part of a panel session, ‘Home from hospital; ensuring good and timely transfers and care’. 

With over 9,000 senior health care professionals expected to descend upon ExCel London for the two day conference, Health Plus Care 2016 promises to cover the most important topics facing the health and social care sector. Bluebird Care’s director of operations, Fiona Williams, has been invited to form part of a panel session, ‘Home from hospital; ensuring good and timely transfers and care’.
Joined by co-panellists Bridget Warr CBE, Ann Taylor and Ruth Davoll, Fiona will share examples of Bluebird Care businesses that, at a local level, have created and delivered innovative solutions to tackle the issue of delayed transfers of care.
As the UK’s largest network of homecare and support providers, Bluebird Care is positioned to provide a local solution to a national problem. By having the ability to understand and align with the requirements of the Department of Health, NHS and local authorities, homecare providers often have the capability to work closely with acute trusts to solve challenges and ultimately help vulnerable people to return home.
Commenting Fiona said: 
I am delighted to be invited back to Heath Plus Care to share Bluebird Care’s experience in the sector. Delayed transfers of care is a hot topic having both financial and emotional cost to society at its core. I will be looking to leave the audience with real examples of integration from Bluebird Care and provide a blueprint of how they can be part of ‘tried and tested’ solution to helping people who are ready to leave hospital to return home.”
Heath Plus Care 2016
Wednesday 29th June 8.30am to 5.45pm and Thursday 30th June 8.30am to 4.45pm
Venue: S5-S6 ExCel London E16 1XL